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Building X Nature Series, 2022

This series is inspired by the movement of people from rural to urban environment. The loss of an ingenious ecosystem, and land that turned into cafes and villas by foreigners and the mainlanders too. We, humans need for a place to relax but also relate to the natural environment. The series also explores the space in between, inspired by the places I have been to and my memories growing up in Bali.

Mr. Rabbit Series, 2022

Although my works often challenge the viewers to make a story with images that I serve to stimulate the imagination. In these works, I am Inspired by fictional stories and virtual reality, I narrate a visual on how I feel about escapism. A sense of longing for another world, the escape from reality. The contrast between the abstract background and the figure is how our reality and dream often overlaps. Since I am interested in the perception of visual images that we see on the internet, it reaches the interesting part on how we see the bizarre future in the digital era. The rabbit here symbolises the white rabbit from Alice in Wonderland who leads Alice into the ‘new world’ as most people spend their time on the internet looking for distraction and entertainment or just simply as an act of leisure. 

Love in Digital Age Series, 2022

The Sims, 2022

The Artists are Present, 2022

PARADISO: On Fragments of Times

The theme, Paradiso, is the base idea to comprehend something about ideal memories through the practice of painting. “The Ideal” is a state of understanding that the painter tries to seek through its own term. As far as we try to reach “the ideal”; we add, diminish and erase things. In the same essence, there’s a parallel tension in memory; how the painter chooses between the joy to find gems in remembering or to forget. The sims logo here indicates a simulation world (as we live now through virtual world) where me as the painter is playing the God in a parallel world.

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